Tomislav Krizman’s Printmaking Anthology / From the Holdings of the Department of Prints and Drawings of CASA
Cypressen am Friedhof bei Gravosa
(Cypresses at a Cemetery near Dubrovnik)
From the portfolio Skizzen und Eindrücke aus Dalmatien, Bosnien, Kroatisch Zagorien und Wien (Vienna, 1907)
/ From the portfolio Sketches and Impressions from Dalmatia, Bosnia, Hrvatsko zagorje and Vienna (Vienna, 1907)
370 x 316 / 495 x 393 mm; yellowish print paper
sign. bottom below print in pencil: Tomislav Krizman;
imprinted monogram below print in the middle: TK // ALBUM
inv. no. KG HAZU 2309